Was There a Pharisaic Revolution Against the Old Order? 2 April 2014 ![]()
A well thought-out article written by a practicing Rabbinical Jew who seems to be coming to grips with the limitations and logical contradictions of Rabbinical Judaism.
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Hag HaMazoth Hagaddah 14 April 2011 ![]() Featuring beautiful photos of the Land of Israel.
This Hag HaMazoth ("Passover") Hagaddah, written in the spirit and tradition of Karaism, is offered free to the Karaite community. Based on verses from
the Tanach, it features some of the many thousands of photographs that my wife and I have taken of the Land of Israel over the past 7 years.
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Introduction to Yahadut Qarait 8 February 2008 ![]() Origins and Ideology.
This paper will briefly examine the reasons behind the existence of Yahadut Qarait in contrast to Yahudut Rabanit.
It will discuss various possibilities concerning when Yahadut Qarait came into existence. It will describe the differences in
thought between the two movements of Yahadut where Torah is concerned. It will also briefly discuss differences of
opinion over certain matters of Torah observance.
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